The most important task of the International Academy for Adhesive Dentistry is to promote adhesive dentistry worldwide; IAAD is a group of highly esteemed practitioners, researchers and clinicians. The IAAD sees itself as a link between science and the practicing dentist, and even the patient.
Why should you join as a dental student?
• You are performing adhesive procedures already today. The longer you will practice dentistry, the more you will realize that adhesion is the backbone of what you are doing every day. Get involved in the progress early!
• Participate in the IAAD's biannual meeting for a substantially reduced fee.
• Meet the experts in person and have direct access to them via the members access on the website, you name will be listed as a member as well!
• Get the "Journal of Adhesive Dentistry" for half the price of the regular subscription and on top of that, get the IAAD membership without any extra fees. The annual fee for students is 150.- CHF (Swiss Fancs), which includes the Journal of Adhesive Dentistry subscription. (see
• Get updated "Working Instructions" in a very condensed form compiled by the best experts.
• Participate at the poster competition during the IAAD meetings.
• and many more to come
How to Join as a Student (undergraduate and graduate students)
1- Please download the student certification form, , fill it out, scan it and send it to:
2- Pay your annual dues online or through bank transfer more information